📝¡Protocol Overview!

$LUCAX "Smart Meme Token" -The Utility Token in Next Generation Royalty Incubator

🏅 Introduction to Lucax Protocol

Lucax Protocol is a cutting-edge blockchain ecosystem specifically designed to offer economic stability and long-term sustainability. Its goal is to generate collective impact benefits, distributing value to all ecosystem participants, not just a lucky few.

This means that $LUCAX Protocol has an accelerated growth nature thanks to the combination of several essential mechanisms.

These are the 4four mechanisms for generating long-term sustainability:

☄️$LUCAX The Native token:

$LUCAX, is a Smart Meme token with an innovative hyper-deflationary algorithm in addition with governance function in the protocol, offering a unique economic structure designed for perpetual growth, creating upward pressure on the token's value with the goal of ensuring sustainability and long-term value. $LUCAX was designed with the promise of long-term stability, combining its hyper-growth nature with utility and a deflationary mechanism that fosters aggressive and consistent price appreciation.

🌟 Incubator SubDAO Model :

Incubator is a program incubate new protocols that fortify veTokenomics-based protocols within ecosystem, (several already in design and development), Revenue Sharing to $LUCAX Holders & NFTs holders are entitled to a share of the revenue generated by the Incubation Project, providing them with a new stream of passive income

🍰 Referendum Reciprocal Grants :

Is a portal where the participants will can applicants for Grant for projects, home works and bounties, These proposals must contribute to the development of generating income through sales of services and products and growth of the ecosystem of protocol, without so much bureaucracy and requirements, However, all Lucax collected to the Treasury Grants address will be used to distribute to projects posted and approved by the community through Referendum Panel on Governance, inspired by the protocols of Polkadot and Dash.

☔ Social Responsibility:

The most important differentiating factor we have is that we do it all for a good cause. From the fees de smart contract collect from trade (buy/sell/transfers), the 1% of the collected amount of $LUCAX from tax will sent to the charitable address. the organizations and individuals that contribute to improving child malnutrition in Latin America.

😡💝 Our contribution may not be massive, but if we guarantee that your investment and the prosperity of our community and portals, we could make a significant difference to child malnutrition at Latin America, together we can save more lives.

"Save the Children".

Disclaimer: LUCAX and other products of the LUCAX protocol is not an investment and should not be treated as such. Returns should not be expected. Nothing in this whitepaper is financial advice and is for educational/informational purposes only.

Last updated